HP5 series
of rigid heater mica plate is made of muscovite or
phlogopite mica paper impregnated with high temperature
resistant silicone resin, which is used as supporting
insulation for resistance wire heating elements in electric
toasters, hair dryers, irons, curlers, electric hot combs,
strip heaters, baseboard heaters and for gaskets and other
applications with excellent resistance to moisture, thermal
and mechanical properties and good electrical properties.
HP5 series flexible heater mica is made of muscovite or
phlogopite mica paper impregnated with a heat resistant
binder and polymerized by a heat treatment which is used in
band and strip heaters, barrier and layer insulation,
furnace gaskets and applications with high heat and moisture
resistance. It also can be formed into tubular shapes and
used as thermal and electrical insulation in hot air guns.